FAQs & Forms Online » FAQs & Forms Online

FAQs & Forms Online


Here are the questions we hear most frequently. Please let us know if the information you're seeking isn't included here.

The average class size at SJS is 21 students. All preschool and pre-k classes have aides to maintain a 10:1 student-teacher ratio.
Students may enter the building at 8:00am, and the tardy bell rings at 8:10am. Half day preschool & pre-k students dismiss at 11:00am. Full day preschool & pre-k students dismiss at 2:55pm. All K-8th grade students dismiss at 3:00pm.

Yes, we offer Extended Care before and after school on all full days, 7:00-8:00am and 3:00pm -6:00pm. Families are billed every two weeks. Click here for more information on Extended Care. 


Yes, we offer both full-day and half-day preschool options for 3-year-olds and 4-year-olds. We also offer 3 full days and 3 half days for three-year-olds.
Yes, all full-day students have recess daily. St. Juliana is proud of our new playground, located in our courtyard, which is perfect for preschool and primary-age children to play

Yes, 1st-8th grade students attend and lead Mass weekly on Fridays. Kindergarten students attend monthly. We also have monthly Catholic Identity assemblies for all students, Preschool-8th grade. All students take part in daily prayer and religious instruction.

Students in Kindergarten-8th grade wear uniforms daily. Twice a week, when students have P.E. class, they may wear their gym uniforms. We will use Dennis Uniform Company next year, and our school code is GJULV. Our uniform guidelines may be found here

Hot lunch may be purchased from FSP. Hot lunch orders are placed a month in advance, and you may order for as many or as few days as you like. Students may also bring lunch from home. Mothers’ Club provides special lunches one Friday per month; an order form for the entire year is sent home at the beginning of the school year.

We offer monthly Open Houses, both during the school day and in the evening, February-May. If those times don’t work for you, call us at 773-631-2256 to set up a tour at a time that is more convenient. Shadow days for students in 1st-8th grade may also be scheduled with the principal by calling 773-631-2256.

St. Juliana students attend several high schools. The vast majority attend Catholic high schools (Loyola, St. Pat’s, Notre Dame, Resurrection, Regina, and St. Viator are most common) and do very well on the high school entrance exam. 100% of the Classes of 2018 and 2019 were accepted to their top-choice Catholic high school.

Yes, SJS students participate in weekly music, art, Spanish, library, technology, P.E., and STEAM classes.

Our students meet or exceed benchmarks on the ACT Aspire assessment at all grade levels in English, Reading, and Mathematics. Click here for a more detailed summary of our 2018 test scores.

St. Juliana teachers get to know their students very well and use several data sources to inform their instruction. They differentiate lessons to help those who are struggling and challenge those who are performing exceptionally well. We provide enrichment in core subject areas for high-performing students, vary groupings, and teach accelerated math classes in the upper grades.

Yes, we offer a wide variety of extracurricular activities including athletics, fine arts, and academic clubs. Offerings may vary slightly from year to year; last year’s offerings included football, cheerleading, cross country, basketball, volleyball, track & field, Junior Trojans, newspaper, Student Council, Academic Team, chess, Battle of the Books, coding, creative writing, drama club, Young Rembrandts, choir, band, yearbook, and cooking!

Yes, we encourage parents to get involved! Parents volunteer in a variety of ways throughout the year. Formal opportunities include Parent Ambassadors, School Board, Athletic Association, Fine Arts Association, Men’s Club, Mothers’ Club, room parents, lunch/recess supervisors, and security guards. We’ll also ask for volunteers to assist with various projects or chaperone field trips throughout the year, so you can help when you’re able without a large commitment. All volunteers must complete Virtus training and Safe Environment requirements.


The most frequently requested forms are available in PDF format. Please let us know if the document you were looking for isn't here, we'll be happy to add electronic versions wherever possible.


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