First Day of School

Please check your child's green folder every day. This is their take home folder and needs to be returned to school each day. A lot of information was sent home today. 
We had a great first day - the class was wonderful and we are looking forward to a full day tomorrow. 
The class has gym tomorrow, so please have your child wear their gym uniform with gym shoes. If you don't have the gym uniform, or something is missing, please send them in an appropriate shirt and shorts. No sandals!
First grade does not have snack, but students may have bring a water bottle. Please send a separate drink for lunch. Please label everything!
Dismissal tomorrow is at 3:05pm at Door #1.
Students may enter school through any door, however Door #2 is the closest to our classroom.
This is my blog website and this is where I'll post homework and important information.
I look forward to working with you this year. Please let me know if you have any questions about anything. 
Mrs. O'Connor