Academics and Student Life » Academic Resource Team

Academic Resource Team

In addition to ongoing differentiated instruction in the classroom for all students, several support service are available to students. Meet the Academic Resource Team. 


Academic Resource Coordinator: This full-time staff member serves as the liaison between parents and teachers in coordination with the Chicago Public School (CPS) system to support full inclusion of students identified with learning differences. This staff member establishes and nurtures a collective relationship with the CPS team, Academic Resource Team members, teachers, and parents to support our students. The Academic Resource Coordinator works with teachers school-wide to ensure students' needs are met in the classroom in the areas of reading and math. The coordinator also works with students in grades 6-8 on executive functioning skills and other academic areas. 

Math Interventionist: This full-time staff member teaches Tier 2 math intervention classes for struggling students and pushes into grades 2-3 for extra support in math. This teacher also monitors school-wide student data using i-Ready and/or EasyCBM. The Math Interventionist meets with classroom teachers to discuss this data to help guide their classroom instruction and any additional support needed.

Math Resource Teacher: A full-time Tier-3 math teacher provides small-group instruction for students in grades 4-8, who have been identified as needing extensive math support and would benefit from a smaller classroom environment. 

Resource Teachers: Two part-time resource teachers provide small-group and individual supplemental support for students in preschool through fifth grade for all subject areas. 

Additional Resources:

IDEA Teacher: One full-time IDEA teacher who provides math and/or ELA instructional support to those students who have IEPs through Chicago Public Schools.

Speech Therapist: A part-time speech therapist who provides speech therapy for students who qualify for speech services through their IEPs through Chicago Public Schools.

ABA Therapy: ABA therapy is offered to students found eligible through a CPS evaluation. Applied Behavior Analysis therapy (ABA) is a type of intensive therapy that focuses on the principles and techniques of learning theory to help improve social behavior. 


easyCBM is an online system that provides reading and math Benchmark and Progress Monitoring assessments and reports for districts and schools, and for individual teachers, with fully-integrated tracking of instructional interventions.

iready i-Ready is an interactive online learning environment designed to assess students and provide individualized instruction based on each one's unique needs.

Learning Ally is a leading nonprofit education solutions organization that transforms the lives of early and struggling learners through proven solutions from Pre-K through high school, to help students reach their potential. 

Inclusive Education at Saint Juliana School

As a private Catholic school, Saint Juliana strives to provide all students with a quality education. Saint Juliana's curriculum includes both academic and religious components. The religious component is central to our mission which is to foster each child's moral and spiritual formation enabling them to become joyful disciples of Jesus Christ. Saint Juliana School welcomes all students, including students with diverse learning needs, and gives such applicants the same consideration for admission as all other applicants. Saint Juliana is committed to serving all students and school families with Christian care and compassion. We honor the unique strengths, talents, and diversity of each and every one of our students.

Decisions concerning the admission and continued enrollment of students are made on an individualized basis. A student with diverse needs is admitted to Saint Juliana School if it is determined that the child has the emotional, academic, and physical abilities to be successful in our program with supports provided by our staff. Saint Juliana gathers information from the student, his/her parents, as well as other members of the educational community who have evaluated the student, to determine the degree of the student's learning needs and the level of support needed. Under the guidance of the Office of Catholic Schools, Saint Juliana reviews the information provided to determine whether it has the ability to provide the support needed for the student.

If Saint Juliana has the resources to meet a diverse learner’s needs to allow him/her to be successful in its program, the student will be admitted and measures that Saint Juliana is capable of providing will be delivered to assist the student. Our staff dedicates its efforts to help the diverse learner experience individual success.

For those children whose complexity of needs exceeds the resources and expertise that Saint Juliana can offer, a more specialized or intensive program/placement may be necessary. In those circumstances, Saint Juliana works with those students and their families to find the best educational environment for them whether that be another Catholic school or a public school that has the resources to meet their needs. Even in those circumstances where we may be unable to meet a child's needs, it is our hope and expectation that both the parents and child will continue their Catholic spiritual and moral formation as members of Saint Juliana's vibrant parish community.

What is RTI?

Response to Intervention (RTI) is a multi-tier approach to the early identification and support of students with learning and behavior needs. The RTI process begins with high-quality instruction and universal screening of all children in the general education classroom.