Academics and Student Life » Liturgy and Choir

Liturgy and Choir

Students in kindergarten through eighth grade attend mass together weekly, and are involved in both the preparation and celebration of the liturgy. Our children's choirs lead music at these Masses, as well as the family liturgies on Sunday in church.



Altar Servers

Boys and girls in fifth through eighth grade are encouraged to become altar servers for our weekly school Mass, parish Sunday masses, weddings, and funerals. In late spring of each year all SJS and CCD students in fifth grade and up will be invited to attend an altar server training and join the altar server rotation list. New servers are always welcome.


Children's Choir

Students in grades two through eight may join one of the children's choirs. The children's choirs lead music at all student Masses. Music director Mr. Glenn deCastro practices with the children's choir members weekly after school. New members are welcome at any time.



Liturgy Support

Children may participate with their parents in the Family Liturgy team ministry. This group prepares and celebrates the monthly family liturgy Mass on Sunday in church. Contact Mary Petrash for more information on joining the Family Liturgy team.