Mrs. Gina Youkhanis » Daily Blog

Daily Blog

Hello Parents, 
Thank you for being patient as I get situated with our classroom blog page. Our class has been spending some time getting to know one another and completing some "get to know me" worksheets. Many of them are friends already, which is wonderful. I have really enjoyed getting to know all the students and hearing ALL the things they want to share with me. I sent home a Meet the Teacher page. I was asked by some of the kiddos if my favorites  were "the truth". Yes... yes, it is the truth.  I found that to be very funny. You will quickly find out I giggle a lot. I enjoy being with kids and the things they say are interesting, to say the least. They noticed that right away! However, I have stressed to the class that there is a time and place for everything and when we are in our learning mode, I want us to really focus and ask questions. That being said, we are working, a lot, on our transitions, which means moving from one subject or thing to the next. I am hopeful in the next couple of weeks, all the kinks will be worked out.
Lastly, you should have seen a spelling list. Since this was the first week of school, the spelling pretest and the test tomorrow is just a practice. We wanted the students to see what it will be like. There will be a practice test tomorrow on the list they brought home. I will be posting the spelling word list in the blog under Spelling List starting next week. Moving forward the spelling tests on Fridays will be getting graded. As always, if there are any important, note worthy changes, I will notify you whether through blog, email or a letter sent home.
Please feel free to email me with any questions, comments or concerns. I am here to support you and your student.
Warm Regards,
Mrs. Gina Youkhanis Room 29 
August 25, 2023
Happy Friday and YAY to the end of week one! What an exciting, jam packed week we have had. We are learning our routines, procedures and expectations. Monday we will begin really diving into our textbooks and material. You should expect to see some homework coming home throughout the week. There will not be homework on Fridays.
Some reminders:
  • If your student still needs an assignment notebook, please send in $7.00. They will be using this to write down homework assignments and test dates.
  • If you still have a blue form please sign it and have your student return it. This form was for giving permission when we as a class take walks outside around the school and neighborhood.
  • Beginning Monday, students will be sent home with a Reading Log sheet. This is to be signed and retuned the following Monday. Students are highly encouraged to read everyday.
  • Our class will also begin doing a writing journal. I will send some more information on that early next week. 
Requests for our classroom:
  • Hand Sanitizer
  • Lysol Spray
If you are able to send either of these items for our class to use, I would be very grateful. After being home all summer, to now being around so many other children, can lead to a lot of germs for all of us. As a parent, I understand what it is like having a child home sick or not feeling well. Therefore, I would like to decrease those chances as much as possible.
Finally, I would like to thank you for all you do at home to prepare your child for school each day. If there is anything you need please let me know.
I hope everyone has a great weekend!
Mrs. Gina Youkhanis 
Hello families of Room 29!
This week we dug into our subjects and spent much time reviewing and learning new words, concepts and math strategies. One of my teaching strategies is repeating and reviewing what we covered the previous day and by Friday I am asking what we learned throughout the week, per subject. I feel this is a good way to have the kiddos remember the material. It definitely seems to be working! I am very proud of them!
A few reminders. The reading log is due Tuesday, since there is no school on Monday. Students are expected to read 5 days per week for 20 minutes but of course they can read for a longer time period. Students also brought home their writing journal. Please take a look at their journal entry and write back to them! Lastly, updated access ID and passwords have been sent home with your child today (if you contacted the office or myself) so please check their folder. If you are still having issues, please contact the office.
The class as a whole has earned 13 marbles!!!! We counted how many we need to fill the jar and its 150 MARBLES! We will eventually get there. 
A side note:
If you remember, put a napkin or wet nap in your childs lunch. They do not have napkins on the tables and the kiddos do not remember to go up and get a napkin. 
Have a great weekend.
Mrs. Gina Youkhanis