Mrs. Joan Herion » SJS/Timothy's Ministry Donation Items Needed

SJS/Timothy's Ministry Donation Items Needed

Please help SJS with their service program opportunity by donating items from the list below to your homeroom this week.


McDonald's gift cards ($5-$10)

Socks (adult men and women)

Gently used backpacks (not children's)

Rain ponchos

Small toiletries (travel size)

Coffee cups with lids (Costco)

Paper plates (big and little)

Plastic silverware


Coffee (ground)

Powdered creamer


Swiss Miss hot chocolate packets

Tea bags

Single serve snacks (chips, crackers, cookies etc)

Granola bars

Single serve fruit cups 

Cereal cups (individual)

Microwaveable individual meals (non perishable - such as stew, soup, mac and cheese)

Cases of water


Please bring all donations to your home room this week!

Thanks in advance for your generosity!