Cub Scouts Pack 3965
Mission: The Cub Scouts have been an important and active part of Saint Juliana since February of 1943. Cub Scouts participate in age-appropriate activities to build character, learn citizenship, and develop personal fitness through 10 purposes:
- Character Development
- Respectful Relationships
- Spiritual Growth
- Personal Achievement
- Good Citizenship
- Friendly Service
- Sportsmanship and Fitness
- Fun and Adventure
- Family Understanding
- Preparation for Scouts BSA
Key activities include: 1.) Monthly den meetings (dens are organized by grade level.) 2.) Monthly Pack meetings (all family members meet for a theme/fun activity.) 3.) Pack outing – usually once per month.
Meetings: 2-3 times per month
Participation: Open to boys in grades K-5. Parents/guardians are invited to apply for membership as Scout Leaders.
Contact: [email protected] or contact the parish office at 773.631.4127