Mr. Brandon Brazell » Week of December 18

Week of December 18

We're almost there! One more week!
I hope everyone is doing well and getting excited for Winter Break. It should be a pretty straightforward week ahead!
In sixth grade, we are discussing the four inner planets this week. There will be a homework assignment tomorrow and due to it being a shorter week, our quiz will be on Thursday.
In seventh grade, students are working on a Punnett Square project right now. It will be due tomorrow, with all of class today to work on it. after that, we will start our unit on DNA, but we will take the quiz after Winter Break.
In eighth grade, we are discussing inclined planes and levers this week. There will be a homework assignment tomorrow and due to it being a shorter week, our quiz will be on Thursday.
That's about all I have for now. I hope everyone has a nice break and a very safe and Merry Christmas!