Mr. Brandon Brazell » Week of March 25

Week of March 25

Happy Monday! Spring Break is so close! We can make it!
Firstly, congratulations to the cast and crew of Frozen junior. Everyone did an amazing job and should be very proud. 
This week is definitely going to be an interesting one!
In sixth grade, we are continuing to work on our Galaxy Research Project this week. This project is due on Wednesday, and students will be presenting in class.
In seventh grade, we are continuing to work on our natural selection project, which will be due on Thursday. 
In eighth grade, we will be doing a couple activities this week to wrap up our conversation on energy.
Also, the Science Fair is tomorrow! I am so excited to se it all come together. The students have been working so hard all year and should be very proud. Tomorrow is a celebration!
Have a fantastic week and a wonderful Spring Break!