Parent Portal » Extended Care

Extended Care

We offer Extended Care before and after school on all full days, 7:00-8:00 AM and 3:00-6:00 PM. Families are billed every two weeks. 

Our Extended Care program provides professional care, supervision, and recreational activities before and after the standard school day for St. Juliana School students through eighth grade. It serves working families who desire both parochial school education and day care in a Christian environment.

The program director, Mrs. Christine Boldt, is a long-time SJS faculty member and the program is staffed on a daily basis by SJS teachers, aides, and trained personnel with classroom experience. All staff members are in full compliance with Archdiocesan mandates published by the Office for the Protection of Children and Youth.


We offer a variety of activities in which each child may choose to participate, including

  • Indoor and outdoor physical activities
  • Supervised homework time
  • Learning and fun games
  • Socializing with friends
  • Videos for children
  • Supervised computer use*
  • Arts and craft activities
  • Free after school tutoring from volunteer Loyola Academy students
*Please note: Students may NOT bring their own electronic devices (iPads, etc.) as they will use the classroom Chromebooks for academic purposes only.


Contacting Extended Care

The Extended Care mobile phone number is 773.428.2872. Between the hours of 7:00-8:00 AM and 3:00-5:00 PM, one of our staff will be happy to assist you with any questions or changes to your child's daily plans. During school hours you may send a text or leave a voice message with that number, or call the school office at 773.631.2256. For questions or concerns that are not of an immediate nature you may also email the director, Mrs. Chris Boldt.