Confirmation Sponsor Mass

This is just a reminder that we will have a Mass on Sunday, April 21 for the 7th graders who are being confirmed and their sponsors. This will be at the 9:30 Mass. Hopefully all will be able to attend but I do understand that sometimes there are reasons that someone is unable to be there. I totally understand this but I do ask that you send me an email if your child is not able to be there. Do sponsors have to attend? It will be great if your child's sponsor is able to attend but I also understand that sometimes this is not possible. Many sponsors live out of town and are able to be here for Confirmation but not for this Mass. At some point in the Mass, Father will ask that the students and their sponsors come forward for a blessing. If your child's sponsor is not able to be there, a parent can come to the front with their child.The students will wear their "name ribbons"  (which we are starting today in class) for this Mass. 
Have a great week. 
Thank you.