Mrs. Jane Lidgus » Posts


Confirmation Banners

There have been a few questions about Confirmation banners. Banners are optional for Confirmation. You are welcome to use a family banner that was made by older siblings if you choose. If this is your first child, you are welcome to make a banner. The banner should be no larger than 4 feet long and 2 1/2 feet wide. They should not be the very small banners that the kids made for First Communion ( I think those are about the size of a handkerchief). There is more complete information about the banners on the white sheet that was sent home in February.
Thank you.

Seating for Confirmation

Each child will have a pew for his/her family for Confirmation on May 3rd. The pew will comfortably seat 5 or 6 people. Your child and his/her sponsor will obviously be in that pew and whoever else you want. There will be additional seating available in other areas of the church if you need more than the one pew. Your family pew will be labeled with the family name and your child will know where his/her pew is. The Confirmation candidates will meet with the bishop in the gym at 6:30. This meeting is only for the kids--families and sponsors can proceed to the church. Your child will meet you in the pew after the meeting with the bishop--probably about 6:50. There are a few pews that were "bought" at the Gala in November. All other seating will be determined by lottery. Your child will know where your family pew is located. There also will be someone in church with a diagram of the seating---I will be with the kids in the gym but there will be someone in the church who can direct you if needed. The pews will be labeled with your family name.
Thank you. 

Confirmation Sponsor Mass

This is just a reminder that we will have a Mass on Sunday, April 21 for the 7th graders who are being confirmed and their sponsors. This will be at the 9:30 Mass. Hopefully all will be able to attend but I do understand that sometimes there are reasons that someone is unable to be there. I totally understand this but I do ask that you send me an email if your child is not able to be there. Do sponsors have to attend? It will be great if your child's sponsor is able to attend but I also understand that sometimes this is not possible. Many sponsors live out of town and are able to be here for Confirmation but not for this Mass. At some point in the Mass, Father will ask that the students and their sponsors come forward for a blessing. If your child's sponsor is not able to be there, a parent can come to the front with their child.The students will wear their "name ribbons"  (which we are starting today in class) for this Mass. 
Have a great week. 
Thank you.

Confirmation form and fee

I distributed all of the Confirmation information on January 18th. On the form, it said that the form and fee were due on March 13 but I told them that if they couldn't have it in by the 13th, that was OK. I told the kids last week that I need the form and fee before spring break. I have a sneaking suspicion that some of them did not give you the information and that those papers might still be in their dockets. Please send the form and fee with your child as soon as possible but definitely before spring break. Thank you for your co-operation with this.

Fine Arts Raffle

This year the Fine Arts Association is raffling off a spectacular basket full of toys, games, books, and treats (plus 4 front-row tickets to the Saturday, 7:00 p.m. performance of Frozen, Jr. this weekend) to one lucky SJS student! Anna, Elsa, and Hans will be coming around during school this week to sell raffle tickets. Tickets are $1 for one, or $5 for 6. The winner will be chosen LIVE at our school preview performance on Friday afternoon. Thank you for supporting the FAA and the students in the cast and crew of Frozen, Jr!

Graduation pictures and directions online

Hello parents of the St. Juliana Class of 2024,
Your children's pictures are now posted!
You can view them at
Put in your contact information.
Click on the St. Juliana Folder
Click on 2024 Graduating Class
Look for the folder of your child. Every picture has a number under it. That is the number you write down on your order form.
Every child brought home an order form on picture day. Each package comes with 1 image! Please select your package, choose the image, and put your payment in the envelope. Please include your email if you are purchasing a digital download. Blemish removal is available on every order form to ensure your child is happy with their pictures!
PLEASE Return it by March 15th! 
Feel free to contact Colleen Gallagher with any questions or concerns you may have.

The Gladstone Park Chamber of Commerce is proud to present our annual Lou Drebohl Scholarship Program. We offer two $500 awards to 8th graders entering high school. Please share the attached information with your students. They can also download the information on our website If you have any questions give me a call.

Kind Regards,


Cathy Voight

Executive Director

Gladstone Park Chamber of Commerce


Spirit Day

Tomorrow (February 29) is Spirit Day!!! Sorry--forgot to remind homeroom about this. Please spread the word..

Confirmation Gowns

We will be ordering Confirmation gowns next week. Please check to see if your child needs to order a gown. If you have a gown from an older sibling or neighbor, feel free to use that one. I would just suggest that you try it on, make sure the zipper works, etc.. If you don't need to order a gown, the Confirmation fee will be 50.00 rather than 75.00. I will probably be measuring on Wednesday or Thursday so your child needs to know by then if he or she needs to order.
Thanks so much.

8th Grade Baby Pictures

8th Grade Baby Pictures

For Yearbook Wanted

Please submit your 8th grader’s baby picture for our yearbook 2023-2024!

Submissions accepted until Friday, January 31st

Step 1: Find a baby picture! Take a walk down memory lane to find your favorite photo - it can be funny, cute, etc. as long as the image is crisp and clear. Pictures that only have your child present work best for our purposes.

Step 2: Scan it! Once you’ve found the perfect baby picture, scan it with a standard scanner or take a photo of it. If you are using a mobile phone, please consider... 

(1) installing a photo scanning app OR 

(2) hanging the photo before using the built-in camera 

By hanging it to take a vertical photo, you help avoid getting any glare/reflection. Also, doing this without flash and in a well-lit space helps keep the natural colors of the photo.

Step 3: Rename and Upload! Please rename your photo file with your 8th grader’s first and last name then upload to the following:

Thank you!

Yes, will do.
Sure thing.

Graduation caps and gowns and tassels

The 8th graders received their Graduation cap and gown order today. Their order is in their back pack. We have advised the students to take the gown out of the bag when they get home, try it on to make sure the zipper works, and then hang it up. They will need their cap, gown, and tassel for Graduation pictures in March. We have had a few problems in the past with students "losing" their tassel. When this has happened, parents have had to call the company to order another tassel (which is more expensive than the first order) so please make sure that this doesn't happen. Thanks so much for your help with this.
Can you believe that we're only 5 months away from Graduation????
We are getting our dates for activities together and will send out an email with all of this information in the near future.

Thank You

I would like to thank you for the very generous and thoughtful Christmas gifts. I did mail out thank you notes last week but I do have to apologize for something. There were a few gifts that had no name on them so I was not able to mail out a thank you note. The few gifts that did not have  names on were gift cards for Starbucks and Target. SO--if you did not receive a thank you note in the mail, it is because somehow there was no name on it..
Thanks again for everything.

Confirmation Date

The date for our Confirmation has been confirmed for Friday, May 3, 2024 at 7:00 P.M.
Thank you