Mrs. Jane Lidgus » Week of October 2, 2023

Week of October 2, 2023

The high school fair is tomorrow (Tuesday) from 6:30-7:30. Please feel free to stop in with your child if you are interested. I am sending an email to the 6th grade basketball coaches to ask if the girls can leave a little early from practice to attend the fair. 
Thank you to the students who volunteered this weekend to help clean up after homecoming on Sunday morning. 
Thanks also to the students who volunteered to carry the Blessed Virgin statue at the 9;30 Mass on Sunday.
Friday is Shadow day for the 8th graders at Regina and St. Pat's. You do not need to call your kids in if you sent back the form as where they were going to shadow.
6th Religion: test some time this week towards the end of the week
7th Religion: test this week. Not sure which day. I believe that I have mentioned that we have a Confirmation acceptance Mass on November 12th at the 9:30 Mass.
8th Religion: test this week.
Have a great week.