Mrs. Jane Lidgus » Week of November 27, 2023

Week of November 27, 2023

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. 
8th Grade Parents: we are sending home a form today with your son/daughter concerning graduation cap and gown and tassel. If you have a graduation cap and gown from an older sibling or neighbor, etc., you are welcome to use that cap and gown for graduation. You will have to order a tassel for Class of 2024. Everything is explained on the form that will come home today. We will be measuring and ordering next week so this form and payment must be returned by the end of this week.
8th graders have been invited to participate in the Living Nativity, which will be presented on the evening of December 21st. Many of the girls have expressed interest in this invitation. Not as much interest from the boys but we'll figure it out.
I am sorry that so many of you are having trouble getting materials for the nursing home project. Some of the kids told me yesterday that they were able to get the fleece kits over the weekend. Others said that they did not have any luck with that. Some of them said that they bought fleece by the yard. If you do this, the pieces should be about 48 inches by 60 inches. As I have said in previous posts, please don't stress about this. Your child can do whatever project that they want. They need to have their materials by December 6th. 
In religion classes this week we will be doing some Advent activities or continuing in our regular text.
Have a great week.